Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mole, mole, mole...

This morning I woke up to Noah trying to rip my mole off. It was pretty funny. He was very annoyed that he could not get it off. He poked, pushed, pulled, scratched, pinched, licked, and finally, I even think he tried to bite it off... So, of course, to my surprise, I thought it was very funny that I woke up with my son slobbering all on my chest. Oh, yea, by the way, that's the mole that Carol likes, lol...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Six Words

Mothers are the most instinctive philosophers...


So, if you got an invitation to this blog, it's probably cuz I love you and care for you very much, and you are very important to me. I write in here every once in a while, and I plan to post more pictures here and write more often. I am getting kind of tired of the whole uploading pictures and videos thing on facebook and myspace. So, I think it will be easier to share in this blog. Besides, now when I post pictures, I can actually tell the story to the pic :) Enjoy...

Friday, January 29, 2010



Look at Noah! He will be turning 11 months in 7 days! I cannot believe how fast time is flying. It makes me kind of sad, cuz pretty soon he will be running around the house, breaking shit! Not cool! Today he semi broke our DVD player. I put on his new favorite movie (thank you Andy!), I walked into the kitchen to get something, and I just here a movie hit the floor. I ran in the living room and guess what I saw.... My little grubby hand monster had opened the DVD player, pulled the movie out and threw it on the floor. Then he was trying to pull the tray out, so it was all whacked out! He got so mad when I told him no, and he ran away talking gibberish on his walker, probably to go snitch on me to his grandpa! Funny kid...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Way Back Wednesday 4

This picture was taken the first time Gio ever came to visit to Las Vegas. The kids were so small. That day was so nice. We spent the whole day together. We went to the strip to go look around and they decided to pose in front of this fountain :) This is the day the kids fell in love with Gio...

Warning Sign

A warning sign.
I missed the good part, then I realized
that I started looking, and the bubble burst.
I started looking for excuses.
Come on in, I've got to tell you what a state I'm in.
I've got to tell you in my loudest tones,
that I started looking for a warning sign.

When the truth is,
I miss you.
Yeah, the truth is
that I miss you so.

A warning sign.
You came back to haunt me and I realized
that you were an island and I passed you by,
when you were an island to discover.
Come on in, I've got to tell you what a state I'm in.
I've got to tell you in my loudest tones
that I started looking for a warning sign.

And the truth is
I miss you.
Yeah the truth is
I miss you so.
And I'm tired.
I should not have let you go.

So, I crawl back into your open arms.
Yes, I crawl back into your open arms.
And I crawl back into your open arms.
Yes, I crawl back into your open arms.