Thursday, May 20, 2010


Ok, so, I have been a very bad blogger. Life has been kicking my ass, which has caused me to forget a little about my blog. But I am still very much involved. I am back! And what better way to come back, if not with these pictures from Carol's Bachelorette Party. It was here, in our beautiful city of Las Vegas, on May 7th. This night, by far, was the best night any of us had in a long time, and it is now the night to beat! Enjoy!

This is my beautiful sister, Carol, at the beginning of the night. She looked pretty hot! I am so happy that in less than 4 days she will be getting married!

This is Carol n Jessica, in the car, driving to the restaurant for dinner.

Christine, Bianca, n Jessica, enjoying our Spanish dinner, and the yummy sangria!!

This is Carol n I at dinner. We had'nt really started drinking yet, cuz we still looked good, lol.

Here is a close up. I was starting to get hot, hence the sweaty upper lip. lol.

Ok, so we started drinking more...

And more... Carol drank so much, I was even starting to look good...

N I got really happy :)

Then Carol opened some presents. Can you see the penis by her face? Oh yea, n the one on her face too...

While Carol opened her gifts, guess who decides to finish the sangria... what an animal! Bianca didn't even use a glass!

So, we left the restaurant. This is Maria n Jessica riding the limo to a secret destination...

And guess where we ended up?

Yes, you guessed it. The strip club. In case you like what you see, visit these hot pieces of ass at The Olympic Gardens (the OG) in Las Vegas!

So, Christine decides that she will get Carol a lap dance. Carol does'nt seem to mind too much, does she? lol...

But then these bastard strippers decide to plot with her. They convinced her that she should get whoever got her the lap dance back! the plot thickens....

So look who had to suffer through a lap dance. Yea, me! Oh, but wait, what is happening to Christine back there?? LOL. Fucken Carol! She got us both!

Here's the girls, enjoying the scenery...

So, Christine retaliates! She gets Carol on stage!! She does'nt seem to be minding that too much either!

Oh no! What's this? He's taking his clothes off? Who would have thought??

Oh well... Bring on the hot buns!

Oh yea, the don't forget the weenies....

What a sport!

We continued to enjoy the scenery... Look, Dr. Love. He was from Puerto Rico! I had to take that picture, to show Gio, LOL

Then this guy came out... and I fell in love with a stripper... Super HOT!

Oh yea!

He didn't fall in love with me though... He was making out with Carol.

Christine was busy...


This was Carol's favorite... He was all into the rock, and he padded her ass... lol... what a masoquista, LOL...

So, where is Jessica while all this is happening, you ask..... Well, look at her, little miss innocent. Innocent, my ass!!

LOL. This night was soooo fun!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


A good friend of mine lent me this book. "Madea's Uninhibited Commentaries on Love and Life"... HOLY SHIT!! Now, I know that Madea is only a fictional character that Tyler Perry has made up, but God damm, that lady knows what the hell she is talking about! I am sitting here reading this, and I have got to say, a lot of this is making sense to me... It's amazing.

Follow these 10 commandments, and you too shall be fucken amazing.
1. Keep it real.
2. Life is hard, so laugh, even in the moments when people think stuff ain't funny.
3. Eat, live, and die.
4. Do unto others before they do unto you.
5. If they have done it unto you, and you haven't done it to them, do it twice.
6. Live richly even if you're poor.
7. Whatever you'e done in the past is done, and don't be ashamed of it.
8. Stand up straight.
9. You will get better with time.
10. Live every day like there is a tomorrow to make it up...

You just have to read the rest of the book to know what I am saying when I say that this lady knows her shit! I will probably touch this subject again soon...

I will leave it at this... I will use "my power" for good, and hold the frisbee... LOL

Sunday, May 2, 2010