Saturday, December 17, 2011

10 Things I Hate About You...

Hate is a strong word, but I really, really, really don't like you... right now.

1. I hate that you are really hateful sometimes.
          You sometimes hate people just for being. It's sad. They have not done anything to you, but you hate them. And if they did something to you, learn to forgive. It's not cute.
2. I hate that you have let yourself go.
          Maybe it's not the fact that your man doesn't like you anymore, but you have let yourself go so bad. Maybe if you hadn't done that you would have a lot more sex.
3. I hate that you can't save any money.
         You have a job, why is it so hard to save your money. Stop wasting on stupid things, save your money and save for a rainy day.
4. I hate that you are so hurtful.
          You have a tongue that stings. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all!

Ok, so maybe I don't hate you that much... but I hate you enough.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Morning Jacket

Last week I was in California. Vanessa and I were in California. We went for a very short visit. A 18 hour visit to be exact...

We saw My Morning Jacket. I have been in love with MMJ for about 5 years now. And every day it gets better, and better. Thank you Carol and Rob for taking us :)