Saturday, February 18, 2012

Online Shopping? Go To

If you like online shopping, please join this website, It's really cool. You actually get money back when you shop on this site. It's very simple too! You just go to this website, search the site you want to shop, like old navy or ulta, and you are on your way to getting paid for shopping online! You do your regular online shopping and just wait for your check to come in the mail. So, just hit that link up here and join in under me :)

Friday, February 17, 2012


Sometimes time apart is needed for us to clear our thoughts and to really realize what we have in front of us. I thank God for helping us get back in touch with the love that we have for each other. I hate having to be apart from my baby, but we really needed this time. I am so in love with you. And I always will be... I am looking forward to coming back together with you and continuing to live my life with you and our children. XOXO

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Knowing that you read this blog, my writing is taking on a new perspective. I hope you never judge me by what you read. But yes, a very good way to get to know the real me.