Thursday, October 24, 2013

Open Mind & Open Heart

My life is falling apart, and I don't know what to do to stop it from unraveling... I've cried myself to sleep the last couple of nights. I cry every time I think about it. I don't know why it's hitting me so hard. And there is absolutely nothing I can do to stop this. The only comfort I have is that I know who I am and what I've done. Even if I'm the only one who believes in me. I believe in me. And that someday I will be happy. I hope someday I will be, at least. My heart is open... As are my arms.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Harp Harp Like A Little Violin

It's crazy when people want to harp about things you've done in the past, say how unkind you have been, and then turn around and do the same to you. You treated me this way and that way, and you don't know how it felt. You made me feel like shit. You have hurt me so much... It's crazy because those same people have also treated you this way and that way. They have also made you feel like shit. But they did know how they were making you feel. And they do know what they are doing to you now.
These kind of people are vindictive and petty. Insecure and shallow.
When someone is mean to you, it is Ok to get mad. Tell them how you feel, how they've made you feel. You can argue with them. Try and prove your point. And then you make a choice and go with it. You can either forgive that person for the past. Or you move on. It is never Ok to"forgive"and then be cruel. That is not Ok.

Treat people how you want to be treated.