Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bye, bye, bye!

In life you have to know when to give up on something and when to fight for it. If there are always excuses being thrown around as to why you are no longer a part of someones life, don't even bother. You are not a part of that person's life because they no longer want you in it. Stop degrading yourself. If someone truly loves you and wants you, it will be plain as day to see. Be graceful, and let it go. Move on.

That being said, if you are the one that does not want that other person in your life, make sure you really let that be known. Grow some motherfucken balls and say it. Show it. Don't say bullshit like, "i love you, you will always be my queen," and in the same sentence say you want nothing to do with that person. You're lame...
Truth is, I've been over it...