Monday, June 23, 2014

Love is not...

I think you are confused about what love is.

Love is not about winning. Love is not about being in control. Love is not about being right. Love is not about getting your way. Love is not about what I can and will do for you. Love is not selfish...

Love is all those little things that are the opposite of what you do.

And I'm tired. I'm over it... if this is the kind of love you have for me, I don't want it. Please, don't make me keep telling you, have some dignity and be on your way.

Friday, June 20, 2014


It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape the consequences of one's acts.

I can't stand when people can't take accountability for the shit they do. It's such a douche move. Think before you speak, and own what you say....

Thursday, June 19, 2014


I've always said this, and will continue to do so. I truly believe, treat others as you want to be treated. Also, let your actions do the speaking for you. Don't claim a certain feeling, but turn around and behave a different way. I will always stay true to this. I don't care, I will treat you how I would want you to treat me, always.