Monday, December 29, 2014

be true

Sometimes you fight so much for something without realizing you've actually outgrown it. Why? It sucks, because all you do is hurt people's feelings.You waste time and energy on something you don't want anymore. You invest in things you don't need, when you could be where you really want to be. People grow apart, fast, so fast you miss it. Be true to her, but must importantly, be true to yourself...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

ill always love you

I love you
I wish you could see
All I wanted
Was for you to love me

I wanted you to see me
For something more
Not just some girlfriend
To keep you warm in the cold

I'll miss you forever
Especially at night
Because that is when
You loved me most
Never wanting to let go
and holding me tight

I'll always love you
Even if we're apart
You will always hold
A place in my heart

I hope you see
What you meant to me
It's not what you think
Baby believe me

I will always love you

Monday, December 8, 2014


I HATE when people don't acknowledge making a mistake and starting fights for no reason...

Thursday, December 4, 2014

the curse of the ex...

You try and try, fight, to have a man be what you want him to be. After some fights, tears, and lots and lots of conversations, this man starts to get it. He starts to think before he speaks. He starts to put you first. He begins to live his life right.

And guess what. He does this for you. You make him see what a real woman is like, what real relationships are about.  He spends his days trying to make you happy. Spends time with you. He's not perfect, but you can see he is trying.

So what happens?

His stupid ex starts to realize that maybe he's not so bad. Maybe, just maybe, she's an idiot, and she might have had a lot to do with them not being together anymore... what to do? Continue sculpting a masterpiece? Or leave it alone?

Give it your all. If things are supposed to go your way, they will.