Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Noah!

Noah turned 2 on the 5th! It is amazing how fast time is flying by. I miss having a baby! But at the same time, I am really enjoying this child. He truly makes me happy :)

Right now Noah:
-Loves watching Curious George. Except he calls him, monkey. I don't think he can actually say "Curious George".
-All he wants is "juice" or "jugo". He is going through that stage of not wanting to eat much, but he is asking for juice all day long.When he does eat though, he is a good eater. Not picky at all. He will eat anything. Including things he doesn't need to be eating, haha!
-He loves putting other peoples shoes on. The bigger the better! lol. Or his own shoes, but always on the wrong foot!
-He is crazy! Gets into everything, cannot be left alone a minute! But he  keeps me on my feet.
-He is talking pretty clearly. He says a lot of words and can put sentences together. He says really funny things sometimes! He mimics everything. Some of his favorite phrases are:
     "help me, mom, help me!"
     "no, no, no, no, no"
     "you calling me?"
lol... I'm sure I am missing a few that I can't think of right now. lol.

Anyway, my baby is growing, fast, and it makes me a bit sad and nostalgic. I know I am going to miss these days...

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