Thursday, July 24, 2014

Attraction & Chemistry

at·trac·tion /əˈtrakSHən/ noun
1. A person or thing that draws, allures or entices.
2. A characteristic or quality that provides pleasure.

Attraction is not always physical. The really great thing about attraction is whether it’s physical or not, it’s often irresistible. Physical beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Attraction is more than that.

Chemistry. What is it? It’s that… thing. That “I need to see this person again” impulse. Or that “We click” feeling. But what causes it? Does it need to happen naturally, or can you create it? Does it die over time, or are there tricks to keep the sparks flying?

I am so attracted. I see him and I can't help but smile. He is just so beautiful to me. I love his face, his beautiful smile.  His voice and laugh brighten my day. And chemistry, yea, it's there. Definitely, no doubt about it...

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