Sunday, June 14, 2015

Don't come back for me

I'm over it...

I get it. As humans we sometimes grow apart. Our needs and wants change. It happens to the best of us. We sometimes fall out of love, just as easy as we fell in love. You get caught in the moment of now, happy to have someone to share yourself with. You are blinded, and you feel connections that might not even be there in the first place. Some of us don't even really know what we want. Yet, there is no excuse...

I guess I can forgive it. I'm no one to judge. People will do what they do. Some people are weak and have no courage. What I'll never understand is the lying part. There's no need for it. I hate that people just do things, lasting actions, that can really hurt people, without thinking it over, without thinking of the consequences of their actions. How do you not have a conscience?

The only solution I can think of, is to do me. You hurt me, you lied, you abused my love. I will get over it. I am strong that way. I've gotten good at it. Someday, you will realize. Someday, you will have regret. Maybe not today, maybe I'll never know about it, but it will happen, because you are human. But when that happens, don't come back for me. You don't get to get me back...

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