Thursday, February 11, 2010

What I've learned...

-Life keeps on going, even when we want it to stop.

-Love comes at costs, I'm just trying to figure out how much i want to pay.

-We can have the most hope for our children, but at some point it's up to them to make their way in the world.

-Past deeds do have a way of coming back to haunt you. Get it right the first time.

-Friends and friendships are formed over time, over experience. Anyone who calls you a friend after just meeting you usually wants something from you.

-When someone is unwilling to communicate with you, it's usually because they are hiding something.

-What goes on in the dark, will come to light.

-Strangers can sometimes be best for you in every way.

-Life goes on, no matter what.

-If we cared more for our own, we wouldn't need others.

-Desperation lies in indecision, but once we decide what's best for us, and act upon it...we succeed.

-Winning begins with an attitude, then progresses with a plan, then succeeds with hope, imagination, and execution.

-No one owes you anything, but you owe yourself the world.

-Giving up is not an option, just an excuse.

-We can say we love many, but you can only really love one...think about it, you have only one heart...dividing it up only kills you.

-You can talk all day about what you are gonna do, but until you do something, it's just talk.

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