Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I know, I have been lagging it at this blog thing! But, trust me, I have a good excuse. Well, my Noah turned one on the 5th. We had a little party for him, he had a blast! I will remember to put some pictures up from that day. And I went back to work this last Monday! I am very excited about my new job. I like it, it keeps me busy, and I don't feel like such a unemployed loser. I love the feeling of knowing that I will be contributing a little more than I was for our home. Gio was a little upset about it. I don't know if it was the fact that I was going back to work and wouldn't be home ALL the time to take care of him and the kiddies, or if it was just the fact that he felt bad for Noah, but he was even a little misty. I know eventually he will get over it, if he hasn't already, LOL!! Well, I was just updating those of you who were interested.... I will be here posting more often!

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