Wednesday, March 31, 2010



fight for the life that you want for yourself . i believe that we are more in control than we think we are . i have had this feeling of hopelessness for the past couple of months . i felt like everything was out of my hands, & all i could do was sit back & have God "do his thing" . i think i was wrong . my submission to the adversity of life was cowardly & being idle in life never helped anything or anybody . instead of standing still in life and allowing things to just 'happen', we have to make it happen .

i talked to a friend and i saw myself in her . she worked hard to mold the life she wanted . unfortunately, you cant control someone else's actions & her picture fell apart . sometimes we mold our lives like clay . we mesh, pull, rub, and mend until we have what WE WANT ...we try to quickly dry it ... to keep it hardened and solid . we never imagine that something will come along to make it all break into pieces . that discourages us . it's scary to think that you will have to sweep up the fragments of your work & simply "start over" like nothing happened .

but we can . I'm betting ALL of my chips on the hope that we have to fight for what we want out of life . whether it be for the career we want . the friends we want . the people we want . the marriage we want . the state of mind we want . we always say "it's in God's hands" . true . but we ALSO say, "God helps those who help themselves ." you cannot make someone else be in accordance with your desires . you cannot make someone's mind up for them . hell, you cant even stop God's plan . However, I'm not going to wait around and let life push me into corners . I'll buck back at life ...even if all i do is shift it by a centimeter. ill just shift life centimeter by centimeter until i have it where i want it .

God hurls miracles from such a far distance . the least i can do is walk in his direction to make the distance shorter . my friends, i suggest you learn to fight...

Way Back Wednesday 6

This picture was taken at Taste of Chaos 2006. We were in love with this guy. We went to go see dredg, and the Deftones. We had to sit through a bunch of whack bands, but it was all well worth it when we got to meet Gavin. If you see his face, you can tell that I was molesting him. I had my arm hugging him from behind, and I was rubbing his back, ahhahahahaa! He looks like he is saying, "wth is going on back there?" LOL. Good times, good times...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bridal Bliss...

This last Saturday was Carol's bridal shower. We (mom, Jorge, Jessica, Vanessa, Julian, Bianca, n me) piled up in my mom's car and headed out to the LBC so that we could attend Carol's bridal shower. Let me start by saying that this was the first time that anyone from Carol's side of the family met anyone from Robbie Heart's family. They are the nicest, sweetest people, and they seem to love Carol a lot. I am very happy for her. I am glad she is getting married to such a nice guy. I love Rob. And I am happy that she is getting to fullfill this dream wedding :) Everything seems to be turning out good. But most of all I am happy to see that his family is so sweet to her... Ok, so, without further ado, here are some pictures of the shower!

Here is the happy couple! Yay! Can't wait for the wedding this May!

Here is Carol and me. Everyone kept saying that we look alike. We never get that!

Carol, with her best friend and Maid of Honor, Christine, and Christine's little sister Bianca. Bianca was making faces all day... LOL

Here is my daughter Vanessa. She is excited about the wedding! She is hoping there is a boy for her to meet there, hahahaha!

Here is Sir Julian. He had lots of fun... Mostly just eating and bugging his grandpa Jorge...

Here is another bridesmaid, Jessica and Christine again. They were getting ready to whip some ass on Bride Bingo, lol...

This is Marissa, Robbie's little cousin. She is too cute! She was posing for me, making pucker up lips with chocolate... hehe :)

Here is the flower girl...

Ooh La La.... Look out now Rob! Carol got some lingerie for the wedding night... Someone wants nieces n nephews, ahhahahaaa!

"Call me bridezilla again!" lol... I just had to throw that in there. I think she looks so funny here!!!

Here is the bride and her bridal party... oh. The flower girl is missing.
 Mom and Carol.
 Us... The gang from Vegas.
And here is Robbie and his mother Sara. What a nice lady...

And last, but def. not least, hahahaa, here I am. Can't you tell how happy I am about Carol's wedding. That, by the way, is my fake smile, for those of you who don't know it yet. hahahaa!

Well, that is all for now. We had a blast. If it was any indication of what the wedding will be like, I am sure we are going to have a blast!


So, Noah is 1 already. I know, I am so late on this posting. He turned 1 on March 5th. He is walking, he babbles a lot, and he has a temper! He bullies all the older kids. He even tries to bully Gio and me. But he is the cutest little fatso ever! He has 8 teeth, all in the front. He has really big ears like his father. He has dimples like the rest of his siblings. His eyes are still a weird color. They change. Sometimes hazel, sometimes grayish, I don't know what color they are. I refuse to shave his head, so his hair is a little long. We did trim it though. And it's honey blond. He weighs about 23 pounds. He is not fat, but he has a fat belly. It sticks out, lol. His favorite breakfast food is cocoa rice crispies. He loves to have fruit roll ups and yogurt as a snack. His favorite fruit are bananas. He loves to eat pasta and bread. He is the funniest kid I know. He is crazy! He loves to make faces and he has a really dorky laugh. It almost sounds fake. He loves to play peek a boo, or monster. You have to be the monster and tell him "im gonna get you" and he starts laughing hysterically and starts running away. He is like a little vaccum, he eats everything and anything he finds. He loves dogs. And music is essential to him. I love his face!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I know, I have been lagging it at this blog thing! But, trust me, I have a good excuse. Well, my Noah turned one on the 5th. We had a little party for him, he had a blast! I will remember to put some pictures up from that day. And I went back to work this last Monday! I am very excited about my new job. I like it, it keeps me busy, and I don't feel like such a unemployed loser. I love the feeling of knowing that I will be contributing a little more than I was for our home. Gio was a little upset about it. I don't know if it was the fact that I was going back to work and wouldn't be home ALL the time to take care of him and the kiddies, or if it was just the fact that he felt bad for Noah, but he was even a little misty. I know eventually he will get over it, if he hasn't already, LOL!! Well, I was just updating those of you who were interested.... I will be here posting more often!