Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So, Noah is 1 already. I know, I am so late on this posting. He turned 1 on March 5th. He is walking, he babbles a lot, and he has a temper! He bullies all the older kids. He even tries to bully Gio and me. But he is the cutest little fatso ever! He has 8 teeth, all in the front. He has really big ears like his father. He has dimples like the rest of his siblings. His eyes are still a weird color. They change. Sometimes hazel, sometimes grayish, I don't know what color they are. I refuse to shave his head, so his hair is a little long. We did trim it though. And it's honey blond. He weighs about 23 pounds. He is not fat, but he has a fat belly. It sticks out, lol. His favorite breakfast food is cocoa rice crispies. He loves to have fruit roll ups and yogurt as a snack. His favorite fruit are bananas. He loves to eat pasta and bread. He is the funniest kid I know. He is crazy! He loves to make faces and he has a really dorky laugh. It almost sounds fake. He loves to play peek a boo, or monster. You have to be the monster and tell him "im gonna get you" and he starts laughing hysterically and starts running away. He is like a little vaccum, he eats everything and anything he finds. He loves dogs. And music is essential to him. I love his face!!

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