Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bridal Bliss...

This last Saturday was Carol's bridal shower. We (mom, Jorge, Jessica, Vanessa, Julian, Bianca, n me) piled up in my mom's car and headed out to the LBC so that we could attend Carol's bridal shower. Let me start by saying that this was the first time that anyone from Carol's side of the family met anyone from Robbie Heart's family. They are the nicest, sweetest people, and they seem to love Carol a lot. I am very happy for her. I am glad she is getting married to such a nice guy. I love Rob. And I am happy that she is getting to fullfill this dream wedding :) Everything seems to be turning out good. But most of all I am happy to see that his family is so sweet to her... Ok, so, without further ado, here are some pictures of the shower!

Here is the happy couple! Yay! Can't wait for the wedding this May!

Here is Carol and me. Everyone kept saying that we look alike. We never get that!

Carol, with her best friend and Maid of Honor, Christine, and Christine's little sister Bianca. Bianca was making faces all day... LOL

Here is my daughter Vanessa. She is excited about the wedding! She is hoping there is a boy for her to meet there, hahahaha!

Here is Sir Julian. He had lots of fun... Mostly just eating and bugging his grandpa Jorge...

Here is another bridesmaid, Jessica and Christine again. They were getting ready to whip some ass on Bride Bingo, lol...

This is Marissa, Robbie's little cousin. She is too cute! She was posing for me, making pucker up lips with chocolate... hehe :)

Here is the flower girl...

Ooh La La.... Look out now Rob! Carol got some lingerie for the wedding night... Someone wants nieces n nephews, ahhahahaaa!

"Call me bridezilla again!" lol... I just had to throw that in there. I think she looks so funny here!!!

Here is the bride and her bridal party... oh. The flower girl is missing.
 Mom and Carol.
 Us... The gang from Vegas.
And here is Robbie and his mother Sara. What a nice lady...

And last, but def. not least, hahahaa, here I am. Can't you tell how happy I am about Carol's wedding. That, by the way, is my fake smile, for those of you who don't know it yet. hahahaa!

Well, that is all for now. We had a blast. If it was any indication of what the wedding will be like, I am sure we are going to have a blast!


  1. Gross why did you have to steal Missy gross assed pictures!


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