Monday, April 5, 2010

Cute Boys & the Adorable Things They Say

I was watching Marley N Me with the kids the other night. I was kinda falling asleep. Julian was laying on the floor next to the couch and I was holding Noah. The girls were scattered around the other couch. The part where Marley dies comes up, and they show the kids crying when they had to bury him. That part always makes me sad and misty. Julian looks up at me with his big hazel eyes and says, "I know someday I am going to have to bury you."

"You are going to have to bury me?"

"Ya, Noah and me. Cuz the girls will be too sad and crying."

So cut and dry. Where does his little mind come up with this stuff? And why am I the dog in this story?


  1. Aww my Julian, one day if I don't have kids your kids will have to bury me to. By then Robert will be gone cuz he's waaaaay older than me.


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