Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Make Up

Today I am thankful for the creation of make up.

Not to sound conceited or anything, but I think I am fairly cute. I don't NEED to wear make up. I am comfortable enough with the way that I look that I don't not leave the house if I am not wearing make up or having my hair did... But I love wearing make up. When I was just sitting at home, taking care of home and the babies, I rarely fixed myself up. Now that I started working again, I have started wearing make up again and combing my hair. And I love make up. I just love how I can make myself look sooo good. LOL. I mean, really, my make up really brings my spirits up. It makes me feel nice. It makes me feel good about myself. I love how I have started to get hit on more than I used to. Not that I'm looking for another bf or anything like that, but damm, it feels good when someone actually does a double take to look at you. It feels nice when they smile at you, or wink... Not that I would follow through on anything, but I swear, the extra attention is really nice. I go home, and tell myself, like hot damm, I still got it... See, the thing is that I have never really been like one of those girls that were just so goddam beautiful, but I still had my game. Yet, somehow, I always ended up with the stupid guy who always thought he could do better, and was very verbal about it. Even my own mother and father were at fault with that one. They never were the type of parents to say to us, oh your beautiful, or anything of the sort. If anything, they have always been very judgemental. Especially my mom. So yea, I had low self esteem sometimes. And to have someone give you that little extra attention, and to know that it's because they think you are cute, well, it feels damm good... LOL. So, today I am thankful for my make up...


1 comment:

  1. I can relate, as soon as I walk into hell this morning Charly was all "damn you look tired". So I tell him "I am", and he's all "you didn't get much sleep last night?" and I tell him "no I'm just tired of life". When will life ever be easy for me?


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