Wednesday, April 7, 2010

When Life's a BITCH...


When life's a bitch, what do you do? You make a list of what in life is good. So here is mine:

  • My kids: They give me a reason to keep fighting. To keep going, even when I feel the shittiest, I have to do it for them. Because I know that they look up to me...
  • My sister: You know.
  • My mom and Jorge: My mom wasn't always the best mother she could be, but lately she has made up for all the fuck up's. At least she tries now and she actually helps me out a lot. And she loves my kids a lot, and that means a lot to me. And I am glad she has Jorge. I think he makes her better.
  • My friends: Who I have not been real close to lately, but my friends are the kind of friends that you can not talk to for years and when we see each other again it's like we never skipped a beat...
  • Food: you know this fat girl loves food...
  • Coffee: it keeps me sane in the mornings...
  • Work: i enjoy it and it gives me that little extra money...

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