Thursday, November 12, 2009


Today I am thankful for you. I am thankful that yesterday, November 11, 2009 was our 3 year anniversary. You and I, we have our ups and downs, but what couple doesn't? I know that in the end, we love each other and are there for each other, unconditionally. We have a beautiful family, and you have proven to be such a great family man. I love you. And sometimes I might not show that to you, but I love you so much, and I appreciate all you do for me and our kids. I am thankful that you support me in everything I do, even if you do not agree with it. I don't expect you to agree with me always, because you are your own person, as well as I am, but your support means a lot to me. I am thankful that I am able to stay home with our kids, while you go out to work and bust your ass everyday for us. I can truly say that I have enjoyed Noah these last few months. I have stayed home with him and taken care of our home solely, and you don't hold that over my head. Thank you. You are my best friend, really. I can tell you anything. And even if I think you will get mad, I know that you love me and will be there with me regardless. Thank you for being so loyal. Thank you for being so responsible. You have proven to me that not all men are deadbeats. You take care of yours, and mine, without complaining, and that shows just the type of man you really are. Thank you for being so loving. You might not be as affectionate as I would like you to be, we need to work on that, lol, but with your actions, I know that you love me. Trust me, your actions do not go unnoticed. I know that you are devoted to your job, and that the reason why you are so devoted is for us. Thank you for being a man of your word. Words could never show just how much I love you. Just know that I do, I LOVE YOU.

1 comment:

  1. ommm ommmm ommmmm ommmm (eating noises!!) omg. baby daddy is soo hot!


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