Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Way Back Wednesday 1

This is a picture of Julian and I @ Cafe 50's. This was taken about 4 years ago, when we used to live in Westwood, CA. It had become like a family ritual to go have breakfast at Cafe 50's every Sunday morning.  As far as I knew, they had the best breakfast burritos in West L.A.  The good thing about this place was that it did not matter what time you went, you could have breakfast at any time, or lunch at any time. And they also had a great menu. Their onion rings were to die for! The kids used to love going there. Every week Cafe 50's used to have a coloring contest. They used to give the kids a little coloring page, and the kids used to sit there and color the pages while we waited for our food. Before we left, we used to hand them back in. And it was so cool, because I think not too many kids used to turn the coloring pages in, so every week, the kids used to receive a little prize from Cafe 50's in the mail for winning the coloring contest :) They used to love getting their prizes in the mail. It would light their faces up. Also, on Sunday's, they had a magician there, and he would walk around performing magic tricks. It's a really cool place, and I miss going there so much...

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