Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful Tuesday 1

Today I am thankful for our home. We are not homeowners, but I feel very thankful that we have found a house to rent big enough to give our 5 kids and the dog enough space to run around. They each have their own space. And we have our own space. The place is old, falling apart, everything is breaking. The house is not even painted a color I am fond of, but it is our home nonetheless, and I love that we have a place to lay our heads every night. I love being able to come home and feel good because we are in a house. We don't have to keep shushing the kids to be quiet because the neighbors can hear all of our conversations or hear every step we take. The kids can go play in the gated yard all they want, and I don't have to be afraid that something will happen to them out there. The kids can be as loud as they want. We don't have to have all the kids crammed in one room. We have more than one restroom! It's our home, and we love being home. If I don't feel like cleaning I don't have to clean to please anyone else. We have been here for 4 months, and I wouldn't trade it for anything (unless is was our own house, of course!). Thank you God for allowing us to have this place, as shabby as it is :)

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