Friday, November 20, 2009


My baby, oh my gosh, how I love you so. I did not think I was going to have anymore children, and then a few years later you came along with your beautiful face to brighten up my life. I lived all I thought I could live, and I never imagined how wonderful you could be. I love you so so much! Your brother n sisters have grown up on me, and I feel so lucky to have you now in my life. I get to experience motherhood once again. I feel like you renewed me. And you love me! Oh my goodness, I have never met a little monster so in love with his mommy! You are my little "butt buddy", as your daddy would say :) We spend all day together, and I am incredibly amazed by how bright you are. You are such a smart little dude, you really impress me. You have a character all your own. You are funny as all hell! You crack me up with all your little funny faces and the funny noises that come out of you. I love to sit with you and read books to you. You love, love books. At the moment, you are in love with your Sesame Street book, "Come Play with Us". I have read it to you so much, I already know the book by heart. And you can be doing some crazy thing, all I have to do is start reciting the book, and you will drop what you are doing to sit down and listen to your favorite story. You are so amazing! It's incredible. I love you so so much, and I wish I could cheat time and keep you at this stage forever. You bring a smile to my face always. Thank you for loving me so much. Thank you for being so vocal about it. Thank you for giving me hugs n kisses, thank you my little angel. Thank you for showing me true love...

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