Tuesday, November 17, 2009


My Julian, thank you for being the sunshine to my everyday. You are such a smart, gentle, funny, loving, and cute boy. Anyone who knows you, loves you. I love you so much. Thank you for being such a good, sweet boy. Thank you for loving me so much. Thank you for putting a smile on my face everyday of your life. Thank you for being so silly, making me laugh all the time. Thank you for being such a good brother. You love your sisters, and you treat them like a gentleman. Thank you for that, because by these actions, not only are you being loving with them, but you teach them how men should treat them in the future. You set the standards high. If you continue to be that way, you will grow up to be a great man and will make some lucky girl very happy. Thank you for being such a great big brother to Noah. He loves you and loves playing with you. You make him smile all the time. Thank you for creating so many fun memories for me. You are the best! You are growing up to be a little man, and you make me so proud. I look forward to knowing you as a grown man. I am so thankful for having you in my life. Thank you for letting me be your mom. I love you now, and always will. You will always be my sunshine. I love you poppa...

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