Wednesday, November 18, 2009


My sweet, cooky Josie. I am so thankful to have you in my life. You have taught me many lessons, even some I did not want to learn, but nonetheless, I am still thankful for them. I love you, Josie. You are bright, so so funny, giggly, friendly, and so loving. You crack me up with your craziness. For some reason, I think you will be the one to take care of me when I am old and can't take care of myself. Why? I just do. I can feel your love for me, and I know that you love me soo much. Thank you for loving me. Sometimes you are kinda ditsy, but not a bad kind of ditsy. It's kind of endearing. You are very sweet. I love when I ask you about your day and you start jabbering your little mouth. You love to tell stories, and you have a great imagination. It helps, I know with you I can never get bored. And you have this personality, you like to take care of people and help out. I love it when you come to me and ask me if I need help with something. I think you are the only one that does that.. I want you to know that you are a very beautiful girl. Don't ever change. I love you, my flaca...

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